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Yarrow Extract

Yarrow Extract

Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium


Anti-Inflammatory ~ Antispasmodic ~ Antibacterial ~ Gastrointestinal Support ~ Reduces Anxiety ~ Natural Fever Reducer ~ Natural, Rapid Wound Healer ~ Stimulates Bile ~ Relieves Stomach Upset ~ Reproductive Health ~ Menstrual Flow ~ Relieves Menstrual Cramps and Night Sweats ~ Stimulates Blood Clotting ~ Heart Health ~ UTI's Reduces Symptoms of Gout, Arthritis

Fun Fact: Yarrow is known to stop bleeding from cuts.

  • Caution

    Use caution if you have a ragweed allergy. Yarrow is a uterine stimulant and emmenagogue. It should not be used internally if you are pregnant. Consult with your healthcare provider prior to use, especially if you are breastfeeding.

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