My name is Christine LeBlanc and I am the proud single mother of three wonderful children, Chris (26), Joshua (18), and Katelyn (14). I currently work in the service industry for the past 20 years along with having the most important job of a stay-at-home mom as my main job—taking care of my family. My interest began with alternative medicine years ago while my youngest son was having severe reactions in his physical and mental state causing him to have suicidal thoughts. I began researching the pharmaceutical drug he was taking and was shocked at the kinds of side effects he was experiencing that I could visibly see and concerned for the effects that could do harm to his overall health. At that point, I became a mom on a mission I began reading labels and researching ingredients and found so many side effects from chemical ingredients and combinations that work together to form carcinogens and those of which were endocrine disrupters, imbalances our hormones, and are neurotoxins – the list became endless. I began adding up each toxic ingredient in each product that I applied to my body alone, the toxic chemicals applied were in the hundreds on a daily basis. I used a common sense approach and thought that when chemicals are combined together, they form a reaction. If hundreds of chemicals are applied to our largest organ, the skin, what kind of reaction is going on in our bodies from these chemicals? Is our liver capable of filtering out all of these chemicals without any sort of havoc on our organ systems? Our bodies are amazing and are made to heal from within, but there is such thing as overload and once something is overloaded, it tends to break down over time. And is doesn’t stop there. Take a look at the chemical additives in our foods, GMO’s, etc. I began to make changes in baby steps to improve on our family’s diets, eliminate toxins, etc., all which have led me to herbal studies. From then on, I have tenaciously researched alternatives in helping my son with his ADD label. In my research, I had started to discover many things that just didn’t sit well with me, as a mother, and as a human being. I also have helped my 85 year old grandmother eliminate over 16 pharmaceuticals with proper diet, vitamins and herbs. She believed in me and took the leap of faith. Today and for the past few years, she is leading a pain-free, pharmaceutical-free, active lifestyle and still drives. My father died last year from melanoma cancer, which is a very aggressive cancer. I tried to influence and help him with my knowledge, but a person must be willing to deprogram themselves from the “fear” tactics used by the medical industry and take a leap of faith in the God-given natural cures made available by Him, which have been around since the beginning of time. He continued to feed the cancer with sugar till the very end and did not want to make the lifestyle changes necessary. This passion inside me is to bring awareness to those like my son, Joshua, my grandmother, my father, etc. to educate, and provide an alternate choice. My mission is to incorporate my knowledge of herbology into a business I am in the process of “launching a product line”, free of toxins with transparency of ingredients to help mankind and educate them to make healthier choices while waking the masses who have had “the wool pulled over their eyes” for so long. I plan on extending the knowledge learned for a better future for all, here on Earth, as well as bringing an awareness and respect for nature. God gave me these gifts, they are not mine—they are His, but for me to share what He put on my heart, my passion, with others—I’m only the vessel. It’s time to make the Earth sweet again! Let the Joshua Tree help clear the toxins from your life.